Welcome to Rural Development Sangstha (RDS)


Climate Change Adaptation & Risk Riduction (CARP)
Loaction : Dewangonj Upazilla of Jamalpur District.
Donor : CCCP- PKSF
Beneficiaries: 6000 Poor & vulnerable community people.
Nature of Work  : Aware the people on climate change effect
and introduce different adaptation option and risk reduction.

Total Staff :


Total Budget : 12.85 Million(BDT)

CCCP Contribution : 11.3 Million(BDT)

RDS Contribution: 0.85 Million(BDT)

Community Contribution : 0.7 Million(BDT)

Activities Up to Sep/2016 :

  1. Plinth Raise 350 House hold
  2. Tube installation – 80
  3. Goat shed distribution with training – 120
  4. Duck shed distribution with training – 247
  5. Awareness training – 250